Kiss and Ride

Please click on the following links to download the Car Riders Form.

Kiss and Ride Letter and Agreement

Kiss and Ride Carta de Convenio

Kiss n Ride Registration Form

Car Drop Off/Pick up Procedures

Parents and students:

The Coles Kiss and Ride team welcomes you back to school! We have developed a set of procedures that we know will ensure a safe and smooth drop off/pick up when bringing your children to and from school.

Please take the time to read and review the following guidelines:

AM Drop Off

  • When entering the Coles parking lot, please follow the flow of traffic as indicated by the arrows on the attached map. Do not use parking lot lanes to proceed to the drop off point. These lanes will be blocked by cones. The parking lot will be available for visitor parking.
  • Children should only exit your vehicle on the curbside along the playground fence.
  • Keep children in the car until staff members are out at 9:10 a.m. to provide assistance. Kiss and Ride closes at 9:20 a.m. If you arrive after that time, please park your car in the side parking lot and walk your children in the front of the school to sign them in at the front desk. Children are considered late at the second bell which is 9:20 a.m. You should never park curbside in the front of the school during any time of the day.
  • Children should be ready to immediately exit the vehicle on the right-hand side of the car. Students, please get your backpacks ready the night before!
  • If you need to speak to any of the staff members assisting with the drop off/pick up, please park your car in the parking lot and wait until their duties are over.
  • Please be cognizant of students and adults in the parking lot by driving slowly as you exit.

PM Pick Up

  • When entering Cole's parking lot, please follow the flow of traffic as indicated by the arrows on the attached map. All kiss and ride cars must loop up around Benton MS to get in line. PLEASE, NO CUTTING! Do not use parking lot lanes to proceed to the pick-up point. These lanes will be blocked by cones. The parking lot will be available for visitor parking.
  • Please do not use the parking lot lanes to exit the kiss and ride lane. You must exit following the cones and the flow of kiss and ride traffic.
  • Please do not park your car and walk in the building to pick up your child if this is the consistent routine for dismissal. The staff is outside to assist students for parent pick up.
  • Children will be dismissed from school at 4:00 p.m. Children should enter your vehicle along the curbside along the playground fenced area. No student will be permitted to walk alone beyond the fenced area. Staff will be out to assist at this time.
  • Once you have picked up your child, you may cautiously enter the exit lane.
  • In order for your child to change from a car rider to a bus rider on any particular day, a note must accompany them to school that morning. He or she must bring the note to their teacher. Do not email the teacher as they may not have time to check emails during instructional time.
  • If you need to speak to any of the staff members assisting with the drop off/pick up, please park your car in the parking lot and wait until their duties are over.

Looking forward to seeing you each and every day!