Welcome to the School Counselor Page
We are Bucket Fillers who make sure we show respect and don't dip in someone elses bucket.
Vision Statement
At Coles, students begin their K-12 education with the academic and social-emotional skills necessary to be positive, productive and caring citizens. We prepare our students with real world problems in preparation for the challenges of this complex 21st century. Our program envisions our scholars leaving as lifelong learners demonstrating excellence as college graduates and/or in their careers.
Mission Statement:
At Coles Elementary School, the School Counseling Program works to achieve collaborative relationships that ensure our students build a strong foundation and skills necessary in academic, college and career, and social and emotional development. Through data and analysis, we work to identify achievement gaps in order to provide equitable access to learning for all students. In a caring and supportive environment with developmentally appropriate learning opportunities, we use a multi-tiered approach which allows students to reach their maximum potential. Our students are lifelong learners and successful members of our community.