School Nurse

school nurse

Health Promotion

As we are entering the cold and flu season, this is a reminder of the best health practices to decrease the spread and transmission of viruses in PWCS schools.  Please remember to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and throw used tissues in the trash.  If you don't have a tissue, cough, or sneeze into your elbow, not your hands.  Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds, dry hands with a paper towel, and use the paper towel to turn off the faucet.  If soap and water are not available, hand sanitizers may also be used to preform hand hygiene.  Remember to stay home when you’re sick until at least 24 hours without a fever or the use of fever reducing medicine.  Together we can help stop the spread of germs that may make you and others ill."   

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School Absentee Line 703-794-2410

Report your child illness to School Nurse or Staff and provide the following information:

  • Students Name
  • Symptoms
  • Date Symptoms Started
  • Doctor's visit: If yes, when?
  • Laboratory Testing: If yes, state the testing date and results

Early Learning Coalition of Pasco and Hernando Counties, Inc. - Developmental Services


  • Health Treatment Plans:

    If your child requires a health-related procedure during the school day, such as, but not limited to: G-Tube feeding or urinary catherization, he/she will need a Health Treatment Plan (HTP) completed and signed by the parents and his/her health care provider. HTPs are available in the school office. These are the specialized HTP required by Prince William county Public School for the following conditions:

    • Diabetes
    • Asthma
    • Life- threatening Allergies (food, latex, bee sting, etc.)
  • Emergency Treatment Plan

If your child requires a medication or treatment only at critical time, for example during a seizure .

Click the link to download the forms:

medication administration clipart - Clip Art Library


  • If your child requires medication to be taken during school hours, as a parent, you need to provide the school with a medication forms and the medication.
  • Please note that students are not allowed to carry medications in school for safety reasons. Parents or guardians need to bring the medication to school, do not send it in with your child.
  • A prescription medication requires the health care provider prescribing the medication to sign an Authorization for Medication Administration Form.
  • An Over- The-Counter-Medication only requires the parents/guardian to sign.

Please click the link and follow the guidelines when filling-out the medication authorization form below.

medication authorization form


My Role in Your Child's Education

The primary role of the school nurse is to support student learning. This is accomplished by implementing strategies that promote student and staff health.

Please help me by filling out a health treatment plan or medication forms if your child has a chronic illness or requires medical attention during the school day. My door is always open to discuss any health concerns you may have.

For any questions feel free to call or email me at:
Si tiene preguntas llame o envie-me un correo electronico a:
main 703 791-3141 clinic 703-794-2152
[email protected]

Thank you/gracias ,

Michelle Cota
School Nurse
Coles ES