Coles Advisory Council

Advisory Council
What Is The Coles Advisory Council?

The Advisory Council is a group of parents and faculty members including school Administration. The Advisory Council is a forum where parent and faculty representatives gather on a monthly basis to provide leadership and direction for the school. The Council provides input to our annual school plan and budget; discusses various topics impacting the learning environment, reviews academic and survey data, and responds to suggestions by our parents and faculty.

What Will Our Advisory Council Do For My Child?

Each year, the Advisory Council focuses on key topics in the education of your child at Coles. We advise the administration about meeting Coles' goals on education and student achievement. If you have suggestions and ideas you believe would help continue to move Coles forward on the highway to success, please contact any of the representatives below or provide input in our suggestion box located in the glass enclosed entryway as you enter Coles.

CAC Contact Information

CAC Minutes
October 2021
November 2021
January 2022